Genesis of Soulversations Card Game

Soulversations in a final form is a connection building card game, beautifully designed by our friend Blue, and manufactured and brought to life by Kenny. Where it started had very simple roots. We were having a gathering at Chesapeayikes (our community house) where a good amount of new people would be meeting each other and sharing the space together. We wanted to have a space for two people to get to know each other without having to navigate all the elements of a party and en environment with a bunch of new people. So, we set up a table with two chairs, made some questions, and put on a whiteboard "Soulversations". We let people know that they should all have a turn with someone, being able to listen and be listened to. To see the moments of true connection being shared in such a simple and sincere way truly stuck with us. And in time, Soulversations came to be from that day.